surgical dermatology
About surgical dermatology
Mountain Laurel Dermatology's focus is on the early detection and treatment of skin cancers and melanomas. Every patients is given the opportunity for a complete skin exam from head to toe using a dermatoscope and digital photography to evaluate and document any questionable areas. If the provider believes you may have an area at risk for one of these cancers, they will employ surgical dermatology to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of the possible skin cancer. Common surgical techniques include biopsy, shave removals, and excisions. With early identification, Mountain Laurel Dermatology can quickly treat skin cancers considering an array of medical and surgical treatment procedures depending on the type of cancer, its location, and the patient's needs.
Acitinic Keratosis
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Biopsies (Shave and Punch)
Cryosurgery (Liquid Nitrogen)
Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy (Levulan Kerastick)
Evaluation and Referrals for Moh's Surgery/Plastic Surgery
Pre-Cancerous Lesions
Referral for Radiation Therapy Options
Skin Cancer Screenings
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Suspicious Moles
Therapeutic Medications
Topical Chemotherapy